NASA World Wind 2.2.0 / Web World Wind 0.10.0

NASA WorldWind Software

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NASA World Wind DOWNLOAD Software

NASA World Wind application allows you to zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth. Virtually go to any place on the planet.

Leveraging Landsat satellite imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data, this program allows you to expertise in Earth terrain in visually rich 3D, simply as should you have been there.

Look throughout the Andes, into the Grand Canyon, over the Alps, or alongside the African Sahara. Particular focus was placed on the ease of usability so people of all ages can enjoy this program. All one must control the application is a two-button mouse.

Additional guides and features you possibly can access using a simplified menu. Navigation is automated with single clicks of a mouse in addition to the ability to type in any location and automatically zoom into it.

NASA has launched this open-source program to enhance its high quality using peer review, maximize consciousness and influence of NASA analysis, and enhance the dissemination of World Wind in support of NASAโ€™s mission: To encourage the following technology of explorers โ€ฆ as only NASA can.

World Wind is an open-source virtual globe API. It allows developers to shortly and simply create interactive visualizations of the 3D globe, map, and geographical information. Organizations all over the world use World Wind to observe climate patterns, visualize cities and terrain, track vehicle movement, analyze geospatial data and educate humanity in regards to the Earth.

NASA World Wind Features:

  • 3D Engine
  • Blue Marble
  • Landsat 7
  • SRTM
  • Landmark Set

Whatโ€™s New in NASA World Wind 2.2.0:

  • Upgrade to Java 11
  • Upgrade to the OpenGL layer (JOGL) 2.4
  • Switch to the Apache 2.0 license
  • Deprecation of unsupported performance comparable to Applets, WebStart, and WebView.

Whatโ€™s New in NASA Web World Wind 0.10.0:

Size: 126 MB

DOWNLOAD NASA World Wind 2.2.0

DOWNLOAD NASA World Wind Java 2.2.0

DOWNLOAD NASA Web World Wind 0.10.0

DOWNLOAD NASA World Wind 1.4

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