Mathematica 14.2.0 by Wolfram
Mathematica is a general computing environment, that organizes many algorithmic, visualization, and user interface capabilities within a document-like user interface paradigm. Wolfram was originally conceived by Stephen Wolfram, developed by a team of mathematicians and programmers he assembled and led, and is currently sold by his company Wolfram Research. Mathematica integrates a numeric and symbolic computational engine, a graphics system, a programming language, a documentation system, and advanced connectivity to other applications. Mathematica combines powerful computing software with a convenient user interface. This range of capabilities – many of which are world-leading in their own right – makes Mathematica uniquely suited as a ‘one-stop shop’ for […]
Java SE/JDK Development Kit 23.0.2/ 21.0.6/ 17.0.14/ 8u441
Java allows you to play online games, chat with people globally, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3D. These applications, written in the Java programming language and accessed from your browser, are called ‘applets. Companies use this application across all major industries. Corporations also utilize Java applets for intranet applications and other e-business solutions. It offers the rich user interface, performance, versatility, portability, and security that today’s networked applications require, whether deployed on phones, embedded devices, game consoles, laptops, or data centers. Key features: The Standard Edition is the premier platform for rapidly developing and deploying secure, portable applications that run on server and […]
Notepad++ 8.7.5
Notepad++ is a free, open-source code editor designed to replace Notepad. It supports multiple programming languages and runs on Microsoft Windows. Users can also define custom languages for syntax highlighting and folding. You can print your supply code in color. It permits a person to edit different paperwork at a similar time and even to edit an identical doc synchronized in 2 different views. This project, built on the powerful Scintilla editing component written in C++ using the Win32 API and STL, is released under the GPL License. This combination ensures high performance and compact program size. The supported programming languages: ASP, Ada, ASCII artwork, Assembly, […]
RJ TextEd 16.35 – Text and Source Editor
RJ TextEd is a full-featured text and source editor with Unicode support. It is also a powerful web development editor for PHP, ASP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The functionality extends beyond text files and includes support for CSS/HTML editing with integrated CSS/HTML preview, spell-checking, auto-completion, HTML validation, templates, and more. RJ TextEd is developed using Delphi from Embarcadero and released as freeware. The program also supports the Topstyle Lite CSS editor, features a dual-pane file commander, and includes an (S)FTP client for uploading your files. The editor uses language files to display menus and dialogs in different languages. RJ TextEd is also a simple web development […]
Microsoft Visual C++ 14.42.34433 Redistributable
The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable provides a powerful and flexible development environment for creating applications based on Microsoft Windows and Microsoft .NET. The Visual C++ Redistributable Package installs run-time components of Visual C++ libraries. These components are required to run C++ applications developed using Visual Studio 2022 and link dynamically to libraries. You can use these packages to run applications on a computer, even if Visual Studio 2022 is not installed. These packages install the run-time components of the following libraries: C Runtime (CRT), Standard C++, MFC, C++ AMP, and OpenMP. Microsoft Visual C++ (also referred to as MSVC) is a commercial integrated development environment (IDE) […]