Windows 10 UX Pack 7.0 – FREE

Windows 10 UX Themes DOWNLOAD

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Windows 10 UX Pack 7.0 DOWNLOAD

Windows 10 UX Pack gives you Windows 10 UI enhancements comparable to the theme and a few Windows 10 features without touching system files. So it gained have such threat to hurt your system in any respect.

In this bundle, you’ll have Windows 10 impressive themes and programs to make your system resembles Windows 10 as a lot as possible without modifying system files.

Windows 10 UX Pack includes Windows 10 Login Screen, Modern, Glass, and Metro Themes, (*8*), and far more. It may also allow you to add within the taskbar the Start Orb or activate the User Tile.

Another feature you’ll be able to activate at this level is the auto-colorization of the Aero interface of the operating system.

Windows 10 UX Pack begins as a full-screen UI like the ones in Windows 10 so if you wish to switch back to the desktop area, click on the Desktop tile on the bottom left to return to the desktop.

Windows 10 UX Pack Features:

  • Instantly gown up Windows 7/8/8.1 to approaching Windows 10 in a single minute
  • Seamless installation and uninstallation give users confidence and security within the system
  • Easily configurable in a single click with intelligence Metro UI design
  • UxStyle memory patching
  • Windows 10 Modern, Glass, or Metro theme
  • Instant cursors, wallpaper/logon screen customization
  • Start Orb rebuilt from authentic resources with genuine orb from Windows 10 resources
  • Virtual Desktop from Microsoft
  • Revived start menu with Metro support
  • Metro UI desktop emulation with pre-configured devices
  • Aero’s auto-colorization feature
  • And a lot more

What’s new in Windows 10 UX Pack 7.0:

  • Changed .NET Framework requirement from version 4.0 to 3.5
  • Fixed Start Menu Reviver installation bug on update
  • Fixed Start Menu Reviver feature choice bug on Windows 7
  • Updated Start Menu Reviver to version
  • Updated Start Menu color scheme to match with Windows 10 higher

Size: 96.9 MB

DOWNLOAD Windows 10 UX Pack 7.0 FREE
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