PHP-Fusion is a lightweight open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP. Founded as an open-source project under the GNU AGPL 3, PHP-Fusion is FREE to use.
PHP-Fusion utilizes a MySQL database to store your site content and includes a simple, yet comprehensive and complete administration system to manage your sites. It includes the most common features you would expect to see in many other content management system packages.
It is an all-in-one integrated and scalable platform that will fit any purpose when it comes to website productions, whether you are creating community portals or personal sites.
PHP-Fusion CMS is supported in about a dozen languages besides English.
Addons are the collective term for all PHP-Fusion´s Infusions, Themes, Panels, Plugins, Widgets, BBCodes, User Fields, Graphics, or any other PHP-Fusion-based additions such as Core modifications or similar additions.
Highlights in PHP-Fusion 9:
PHP-Fusion Defender
- Automatic form sanitation system for your fields with form token support
PHP-Fusion Dynamics
- Automatic form API & database handler system
Dynamic User Fields
- Arrange, connect to 3d parties, and even categorize your user profiles with tabs
Atom Theme Engine
- Configurable CSS Overrides for any given Theme for its default CSS classes
SEO Engine
- Permalinks, pretty URLs and Normalize functions.
- A complete Modular system like BBCodes allows you to easily change and add to the output of how you want your Permalinks
Multilingual Core capabilities
- Instanced format with exclusion, and inclusion options
- You can read more about it under Multilingual Content Explained
Model > View Templating
- The MVT has been enabled for most Core content and Core Infusions.
- All Themes can change individual Core components and infusion layouts with this system
Notification email templating
- Enabled for contact, forum notifications, and PM emails
- Native Bootstrap is enabled in the system by default
- GeoMap is a Country > State selector + City and address fields with 250 Countries and 6832 States covered
- Optimized OOP-based Database handling that provides support for multiple database connection instances at once with either PDO or MySQL drivers enabled.
- Added quite a few handy and new functions for database handling, such as db_exists, dblastid, dbnextid, etc.
- With UTF-8 as Default for both databases and charsets.
- A converter script has been provided in the upgrade procedure for this as well.
- You can read more about it under UTF-8 Explained
A Blog system
- Included a new Blog system that comes with a Blog Archive Panel and a new Dynamic type of category system
Site links
- A new mobile-friendly system for the site links has been made.
- The new system has support for images and sub-menu items
Two new Panel positions
- Below header and Above Footer
User Migration Tool
- You can now merge user accounts with content
Back-End Theming
- A whole new Engine for the Administration to have its own Themes
Theme Widgets
- Configurable plugins directly for Themes
Two Default Admin Themes
- Artemis
- Material
- Venus
- Old_School
Two Default Themes
- Fusion Theme
- Bootstrap Theme
- Septenary Theme
What’s New in PHP-Fusion 9.10.30:
What’s new in Version 9 :
- Fusion Dynamics UI Tool Kit
- Fusion Defender SDK
- Bootstrap 3.xx
- Geo-map Library
- Multilocale Engine
- SEO Engine (SEF urls)
- Admin Themes
- New Theme SDK
- Template SDK
- Quantum User Fields
- Custom Page Widgets
- Brand New Infusions
What’s New in PHP-Fusion 8.00.100:
Languages: Romanian, French, Ukrainian, Dutch, Persian, Polish, Irish Gaelic, Lithuanian, Czech, Italian, Hebrew, Catalan, Greek, English, Portuguese, Slovak, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Swedish, Turkish, Hindi, Indonesian, Norwegian, Danish, Bosnian, German, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Hungarian
Minimum requirements for PHP-Fusion 9 :
- PHP 7 or higher
- MySQL 5.1 or higher
- Apache 2.2 or higher
- Nginx 1.0 or higher
- mod_rewrite or equivalent for SEO