YUMI Multiboot USB Creator Free UUI / exFAT

Make Bootable Pen Drive Linux โ–ท Your Universal Multiboot Installer

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Download YUMI Multiboot USB Creator โ€“ Make Bootable Pen Drive Linux โ€“ Your Universal Multiboot Installer

YUMI Multiboot USB Creator (Your Universal Multiboot Installer) is a portable application that helps to create a Multiboot USB Flash Drive. The Universal USB Installer (UUI), often called Imager, is a software tool for creating Live Linux bootable USB drives. This ISO-to-USB imaging tool helps users easily boot from USB.

You can use it to get your flash drive booting from a Live Linux distribution, Windows Installer, or fully install Windows onto USB using Windows to Go methods. You can also boot and run popular antivirus scanners, disk cloning software, penetration testing tools, and other system utilities from the removable storage media.

Using this Open Source USB boot software tool is as easy as 1-2-3. Select your target flash drive, choose your distribution from the list, browse to the ISO file (or choose to download the ISO), and click “Create. Once finished, you should have a ready-to-run Live USB containing the Live Operating System, Windows Installer, or System Diagnostics utility you previously selected.

Unlike many boot tools that rely solely on the DD command for ISO burning, UUI offers multiple methods that preserve your USB drive’s storage functionality. While the DD method, also known as Data Destroyer, can overwrite the entire file system, limiting its storage capacity, UUI provides additional options that allow you to continue using your drive for storage purposes.

Persistence feature for saving changes

Another key feature of this tool is persistent storage, where available. This persistence feature allows you to save changes and then restore those changes on subsequent boots. Ubuntu-based Casper persistence works with FAT32, NTFS, or exFAT formatted drives. Starting with version, the USB drive is formatted with an exFAT filesystem, so an option to use a larger than 4 GB Casper-rw or live-rw persistent block file, (also known as an overlay image) is now possible. Support up to 40 GB persistence.

Drag and Drop ISO Files onto the USB

Drag and Drop functionality is supported so long as you donโ€™t need persistence, and do not need the tool to keep track of your installs for possible removal at a later point.
Instead of relaunching this Live Linux USB Creator to add more distributions, you can drag additional ISO, IMG, WIM, VHD(x), VDI.vtoy, and EFI files from any folder on your computer and drop them onto any folder under the UUI folder on your flash drive. You can create custom folders within the UUI folder for additional storage. During bootup, the system will automatically populate the menu entries for those newly discovered items.

Secure Boot from USB

This application supports Secure Boot from USB with UEFI. During startup, select ‘VTOYEFI’ and then choose the option to ‘Enroll_This_Key_In_MokManager.cer’ to enable Secure Boot.

Changes in UUI YUMI Multiboot USB Creator :

  • Created Penetration Testing, Anonymous Browsers, and Tiny Linux Distros Directories.
  • Added Void Linux, and updated a few broken links.

Changes in exFAT YUMI Multiboot USB Creator :

  • Created Penetration Testing and Tiny Linux Distros Directories.
  • Added Void Linux, and updated broken links.

Basic Essentials to Create a MultiSystem Bootable USB Drive

  • 2GB+ Fat32 or *NTFS Formatted USB Flash Drive.
  • A computer that can boot from USB.
  • Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 Operating Environment.
  • YUMI (to create a Multiboot Bootable USB).
  • Your favorite ISO Files.
Download YUMI Multiboot USB Creator โ€“ Make Bootable Pen Drive Linux โ€“ Your Universal Multiboot Installer
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